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Breed Description

A large muscular breed with a short, but thick and silky coat. They have a life span of 9 – 12 years and an average weight of 75kg – 95kg. They are loyal, very protective and are very affectionate towards their family. They make fantastic family dogs. They need a large space and loads of exercise. They are part of the working dog category and even do great in dog shows. A loving and affectionate guard dog with a very protective nature.

Additional Information



Life Expectancy

9 – 12 Years




South Africa


Moderate Shedder














A large muscular dog with strong legs and a large head and broad muzzle. They have a thick neck and a deep chest. A short yet dense, smooth coat. They have large paws and their tails are often docked, which is not necessary.


Boerboels have a short but dense, smooth coat. They come in a few colours such as cream, rust, brown, brindle or even black, and often have dark faces. Grooming includes a brush once weekly as they are moderate shedders, baths can be giving once a month. Regular nail clipping is needed along with ear cleaning.


Boerboels do great on a raw food diet, although size appropriate kibble can be fed supplemented with fresh fruit, vegetables, high protein lean meats and additional supplements like calcium and omega 3 oil. Be sure to feed your dog the appropriate amount to avoid over feeding. Always check with your vet what is appropriate to feed your dog.


For such a muscular dog they require daily exercise. Long walks with lots of sniffing, along with play sessions are a great way to get in both physical exercise and mental stimulation. Obedience training is highly recommended, they do well with rewards-based training. Early socialization is important for this protective breed.


Overall Boerboels are a very healthy breed. There are certain health issues which they are prone to like hip and elbow dysplasia, heart disease, bloat and eye issues. With a balanced diet, adequate exercise and regular vet check-ups your Boerboel should have a long and healthy life.


Boerboels do great in a large fenced in area where they can run around, play and protect. They enjoy toys although they can be quite lazy. Regular exercise is a must and they enjoy just being around their humans. They can be aggressive around strangers and other dogs, although very loving and affectionate towards their own family and even great with kids!


A moderate maintenance breed, they don't require much grooming, but a fair bit of exercise, a high-quality diet, regular vet check-ups and lots of love.


Despite their large size, Boerboels are very loving and affectionate towards their family. They are still protective by nature and weary of strangers. They enjoy playtime and training even if they seem reluctant and lazy. They are a loyal companion and fairly easy going. They make great guard dogs and fantastic working dogs. They are not for first time dog owners as they can be quite stubborn and need a lot of obedience training.

Family Life

Boerboels make fantastic family dogs as they are extremely loyal and loving towards their family. They can do very well with other pets if well socialized from a young age and are often very good with kids. Not suited for first time or unexperienced dog owners. Gentle giants for their family yet protective watch dogs, Boerboels make affectionately loyal companions.

Fun Facts

– Boerboels are one of the oldest dog breeds in South Africa and date back to the 16th century.<br />
– Boerboels have a dark skin tone to protect against the South African sun<br />
– They are believed to be one of the largest dog breeds weighing up to 95kg!<br />
– Boerboels love to swim

Breed History

The Boerboel breed dates back to the 1600's where Dutch, German and Huguenot settlers came to South Africa and brought along their large guarding dogs such as Bull dogs and Mastiffs to protect them. These settlers were called "boers" which is the Afrikaans word for farmer, and they bred these dogs with native African dogs and bred what we now call Boerboels. During the Angelo Boere War, the Boere and their Boerboels got spread around the country, and in the early 1900's the breed almost faced extinction until the 1980's where the South African Boerboel Breeders Society saved the breed. They made a documentary dedicated to the Boerboels history and personality, which grabbed South Africa's attention and the breed grew in popularity. Nowadays the Boerboel can be found all over the world as loyal companions, working dogs and dog show champions!


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